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Research, Patient Care
Investigations from the Comprehensive Stroke Center look to set a new standard of care.
Neurology Highlights, Neurology Highlights 2019–2020
The common monitor may provide a convenient, sensitive, less invasive approach for early detection.
Endocrinology Highlights, Endocrinology Highlights 2019–2020
Studies explore rheumatoid arthritis medication responses and how psoriatic arthritis develops.
Rheumatology Highlights, Rheumatology Highlights 2019–2020
Patient Care, Locations, Press Releases
These new practices help NYU Langone enhance the quality of healthcare where people live and work.
December 10, 2019
Patient Care, In the Media
Being the most personal part of an email, it is an opportunity to show part of your personality.
December 9, 2019
Sports health expert Dr. Cordelia W. Carter provides health and training tips for runners.
December 6, 2019
Patient Care
With stereotactic body radiation, patients complete treatment in five days instead of two months.
Perlmutter Cancer Center Special Report, Perlmutter Cancer Center Special Report Fall 2019
Dr. Jane L. Rosenthal provides supportive care, helping people manage cancer symptoms and treatment.
November 25, 2019
Research, Patient Care, Innovation
Transcarotid artery revascularization (TCAR) is an effective, minimally invasive carotid treatment.
Cardiology & Heart Surgery Highlights, Cardiology & Heart Surgery Highlights 2019–2020
Patient Care, Complex Cases
After cancer treatment leaves a patient with untenable symptoms, a nuanced solution brings success.
Ear, Nose & Throat Highlights, Ear, Nose & Throat Highlights 2019–2020
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