Hand Surgery Services
NYU Langone plastic surgeons with expertise in hand surgery provide a variety of innovative treatments to infants, children, and adults with acquired or congenital defects of the hand and upper extremities, including the shoulder, arm, elbow, and wrist.
A hand specialist leads each person’s care team, which may include plastic surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, psychiatrists, and pain management specialists. Treatment is also provided by physiatrists, which are doctors who specialize in rehabilitation medicine, and electrodiagnosticians, which are technicians who record the electrical activity in your muscles. Together, your healthcare team works to develop a treatment plan for you.
All of our surgeons have received a Certificate of Added Qualification in Hand Surgery, which is now called the Subspecialty Certificate in Surgery of the Hand, from the Joint Committee on Surgery of the Hand of the American Boards of Orthopaedic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, and Surgery. Every attending surgeon on the team is also credentialed in microsurgical reconstruction—a skill vital for the complex challenges of hand surgery.
Hand Surgery Services
Our specialists have vast experience with a broad range of conditions affecting the hand, including the following:
- vasospastic disease, such as Raynaud’s disease
- deformities caused by traumatic injuries requiring complex reconstructive surgery
- Dupuytren’s contracture
- bone fractures
- tumors and carcinomas of the hand, including giant-cell tumor of the tendon sheath, keratoacanthoma, squamous cell carcinoma, epithelial cell sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, schwannoma, and neurofibroma
- inflammatory disease, such as scleroderma and psoriatic arthritis
- nerve palsy related to trauma or disease
- osteoarthritis secondary to degenerative joint disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory joint disease
- replant surgery to restore a severed finger or hand
- tenorrhaphy, swan neck deformity, or boutonniere deformity
Our hand surgeons provide many treatment options for people with hand conditions. These may include carpal instability repair, reduction, and reconstruction, as well as repair or reconstruction of the peripheral nerve with autogenous nerve graft or autogenous venous nerve conduit.
They can also salvage limbs using a procedure called microsurgical vascular anastomosis, perform tendon repair and reconstruction, and offer tumor removal and reconstruction. In addition, our surgeons perform finger replantation and revascularization.
Our Hand Surgeons
The treatment of hand defects requires a team approach. Our specialists work closely together to provide the highest quality treatment and outstanding results.
Contact Us
To make an appointment, please call 212-263-3030.