About Me
Conditions and Treatments
- ectopic pregnancy
- endometriosis
- fertility
- fibroids
- infertility in women
- male infertility
- polycystic ovary syndrome
- recurrent miscarriage
- artificial insemination
- egg donation
- egg freezing
- endometriosis surgery
- fertility preservation
- gynecological surgery
- hysteroscopy
- in vitro fertilization
- minimally invasive surgery
- oocyte recovery
- ovulation induction
- preimplantation diagnosis
- surrogate mothers
Learn more about conditions we treat at NYU Langone:
Endometriosis , Fibroids , Infertility in Women , Male Infertility , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome , Recurrent MiscarriageCredentials
- Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Board Certifications
- American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (Reproduc Endocrin & Infertility), 2022
- American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology - Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2018
Education and Training
- Fellowship, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, 2019
- Residency, New York Presbyterian-Columbia University Medical Center, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2016
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This provider accepts the following insurance plans.
- AETNA EPO (NYULH Employees)
- AETNA EPO (Sunset Park Employees)
- Aetna HMO
- Aetna Indemnity
- Aetna International
- Aetna Medicare Advantage
- Aetna Open Access EPO
- Aetna Open Access HMO
- Aetna POS
- Aetna POS (American Express Employer)
- Aetna PPO
- Aetna Signature Administrators PPO
- Aetna Student Plan
- Allied
- Chesterfield Resources Inc
- Christian Brothers Services
- CoreSource
- Nippon Life of America-Aetna
- Nippon Life-Aetna
- Starmark
- WellNet
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Anthem BCBS CT PPO
- Anthem BCBS CT Pathway PPO
- BCBS Blue Access EPO Large Group
- BCBS Blue Access EPO Small Group
- BCBS Blue Access GEPO Small Group
- BCBS Blue Access PPO Large Group
- BCBS EPO (BlackRock Employees)
- BCBS EPO (LICH Employees)
- BCBS Federal Program
- BCBS Florida Blue Care HMO
- BCBS Florida Blue Medicare PPO
- BCBS Florida Blue Options PPO
- BCBS Florida Blue Select
- BCBS Florida MyBlue HMO
- BCBS Florida Simply Blue
- BCBS Florida Traditional PPC
- BCBS Indemnity
- BCBS Local 32BJ Employees
- BCBS Mediblue Medicare HMO
- BCBS Mediblue Medicare PPO
- BCBS Mediblue Select HMO/Extra HMO
- BCBS PPO (BlackRock Employees)
- BCBS PPO (LICH Employees)
- BCBS PPO/EPO Small Group
- New York Hotel Trades
- Apwu Health Plan
- Cigna - Humana
- Cigna Great West PPO
- Cigna HMO
- Cigna Indemnity
- Cigna Managed Care/POS
- Cigna Medicare Advantage
- Cigna NALC
- Cigna Open Access
- Cigna Open Access PPO
- Cigna Oscar
- Cigna PPO
- Cigna Premier Plus
- Great West HMO
- Kaiser Permanente
- MVP-Cigna Network
- Wellfleet-NYU Student
First Health
- First Health PPO
NYSHIP - The Empire Plan
- NYS Health Insurance Plan - The Empire Plan, Excelsior Plan, NY Student Employee Health Plan
- Oxford Health Plans Freedom
- Oxford Health Plans Liberty
United Healthcare
- Bind Benefits inc
- United Healthcare (NY University Care Plan)
- United Healthcare All Savers
- United Healthcare Choice
- United Healthcare Choice (AMEX employees)
- United Healthcare Choice (Blackrock employees)
- United Healthcare Choice (CBS employees)
- United Healthcare Choice (Simon and Schuster)
- United Healthcare EPO
- United Healthcare EPO (NYU Langone Health Employees)
- United Healthcare EPO (Sunset Park Employees)
- United Healthcare Golden Rule Insurance
- United Healthcare HMO
- United Healthcare Healthscope
- United Healthcare Indemnity
- United Healthcare Indemnity (NYU Langone Health Employees)
- United Healthcare NYU Care (NYULH Employees)
- United Healthcare NYU Care (Sunset Park Employees)
- United Healthcare Navigate
- United Healthcare Nexus
- United Healthcare Nexus (Amex Employees)
- United Healthcare POS
- United Healthcare PPO
- United Healthcare Plus (NYU Langone Health Employees)
- United Healthcare Plus (Sunset Park Employees)
- United Healthcare Student Resources
- United Healthcare Student Resources (NYU)
- United Healthcare Value, Advantage and HDHP (New York University employees)
- UnitedHealthcare Choice (NY Power Authority Employees)
VA Community Care Network
- VA CCN Optum
- WINFertility
Shannon M. DeVore, MD does not accept insurance.
Locations and Appointments
NYU Langone Fertility Center
159 East 53rd Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10022
Cascante, Sarah Druckenmiller...
Fertility & sterility. 2022 Jul ; 118(1):158-166
Blakemore, Jennifer K...
Fertility & sterility. 2021 Jun ; 115(6):1511-1520
DeVore, Shannon...
Journal of assisted reproduction & genetics. 2019 Feb ; 36(2):277-282
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