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At NYU Langone’s Dysautonomia Center, our team of physicians, researchers, and nurses provides expert care and long-term follow-up evaluation for people who have autonomic disorders. The autonomic nervous system controls the body’s involuntary functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, size of the pupils, digestion, body temperature, and sexual function. Autonomic disorders cause problems in regulating one or more of these systems, which can result in fluctuating blood pressure, lightheadedness when standing, fainting and falls, severe constipation, and sweating abnormalities.
Autonomic disorders can occur alone or as the result of another condition, such as Parkinson's disease. Cancer, alcohol abuse, and diabetes can also lead to these disorders. In some people, symptoms improve when they’re treated for the underlying condition. Our physicians collaborate to ensure each person receives the care they need.
For many people with autonomic disorders, medications to regulate blood pressure, improve digestion, and target neurological processes can help reduce symptoms. Doctors may also recommend lifestyle changes to manage some symptoms.
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