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We treat stroke faster than any other hospital in New York

During a stroke, every second counts. Stroke doesn’t wait for anyone.

Stroke is a “brain attack” that occurs when a blood clot travels to the brain or a brain blood vessel bursts, blocking blood flow. For every minute the brain is deprived of oxygen-rich blood, 2 million brain cells die, and cannot grow back. But the sooner you get lifesaving treatment to restore brain blood flow, the better the outcome for patients.

Experts at NYU Langone’s Comprehensive Stroke Center are available 24/7 to provide the most advanced and expedited stroke care. Faster stroke treatment saves lives, reduces the risk of debilitating disability, and increases the chances for a full recovery.

We’re proud to say we treat stroke patients 10 minutes faster and have successfully restored blood flow in more patients than any other hospital in New York. Our team is always on deck to provide the fastest and most advanced lifesaving stroke treatment possible.