About Me
As a psychiatrist at NYU Langone, I am committed to providing dignified, equitable, and high-quality healthcare. I firmly believe it’s everyone’s right to receive optimal healthcare. My dedication is particularly focused on treating patients with chaotic substance use and severe substance use disorders. My journey into medicine was inspired by a desire to challenge the stigma of people who use drugs often face and to affirm their inherent dignity.
I bring extensive training and experience, offering a unique perspective on substance use treatment. My approach is characterized by transparency, honesty, and respect, which I believe are key to building trust and rapport with my patients. I want my patients to understand that recovery is possible and that there are effective medications available to aid this process.
Throughout my career, I have engaged in research aimed at expanding access to substance use treatments for populations historically marginalized from the traditional substance use treatment system. This work involves forming partnerships with community organizations, a strategy that has proven beneficial for my patients. A recent highlight of my career was hosting a live version of a Lancet Psychiatry series on mental health issues, which was met with overwhelming participant satisfaction.
My dedication to my patients and my field has been acknowledged with several awards, including the inaugural American Society of Addiction Medicine Award for the Promotion of Inclusion, Diversity, Equality, and Justice in Addiction Medicine. These recognitions reflect my commitment to providing quality patient care and promoting inclusivity and justice in addiction medicine. I am humbled by these recognitions and remain steadfast in my commitment to my patients and their journey to recovery.
- Associate Professor, Department of Population Health at NYU Grossman School of Medicine
- Barbara Wilson Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry at NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Education and Training
- Fellowship, Yale New Haven Hospital, Addiction Psychiatry, 2016
- Residency, Yale New Haven Hospital, Psychiatry, 2015
- MD from Yeshiva University, 2011
- PhD from Yeshiva University, 2011
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This provider accepts the following insurance plans.
- AETNA EPO (NYULH Employees)
- AETNA EPO (Sunset Park Employees)
- Aetna HMO
- Aetna Indemnity
- Aetna International
- Aetna Medicare Advantage
- Aetna Open Access EPO
- Aetna Open Access HMO
- Aetna POS
- Aetna POS (American Express Employer)
- Aetna PPO
- Aetna Signature Administrators PPO
- Aetna Student Plan
- Allied
- Chesterfield Resources Inc
- Christian Brothers Services
- CoreSource
- Nippon Life of America-Aetna
- Nippon Life-Aetna
- Starmark
- WellNet
Amida Care
- Amida Care Medicaid
Anthem BCBS Health Plus
- BCBS Healthplus Essential Plan 1
- BCBS Healthplus Essential Plan 2
- BCBS Healthplus Essential Plan 3
- BCBS Healthplus Essential Plan 4
- BCBS Healthplus Gatekeeper exchange
- BCBS Healthplus Mediblue Advantage
- BCBS Healthplus NY Child Health Plus NY
- BCBS Healthplus NY Medicaid Managed Care NY
- BCBS Healthplus Special Needs
- Empire Mediblue Healthplus Dual
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Anthem BCBS CT PPO
- Anthem BCBS CT Pathway PPO
- BCBS Blue Access EPO Large Group
- BCBS Blue Access EPO Small Group
- BCBS Blue Access GEPO Small Group
- BCBS Blue Access PPO Large Group
- BCBS EPO (BlackRock Employees)
- BCBS EPO (LICH Employees)
- BCBS Federal Program
- BCBS Florida Blue Care HMO
- BCBS Florida Blue Medicare PPO
- BCBS Florida Blue Options PPO
- BCBS Florida Blue Select
- BCBS Florida MyBlue HMO
- BCBS Florida Simply Blue
- BCBS Florida Traditional PPC
- BCBS Indemnity
- BCBS Local 32BJ Employees
- BCBS Mediblue Medicare HMO
- BCBS Mediblue Medicare PPO
- BCBS Mediblue Select HMO/Extra HMO
- BCBS PPO (BlackRock Employees)
- BCBS PPO (LICH Employees)
- BCBS PPO/EPO Small Group
- New York Hotel Trades
Centerlight Healthcare
- CenterLight Healthcare DIRECT
- CenterLight Healthcare PACE
- CenterLight Healthcare Select
- Centerlight Pace Medicare HMO
Centers Plan For Healthy Living
- Centers Plan For Healthy Living
- Centers Plan For Healthy Living Medicaid Advantage Plus HMO D-SNP
- Apwu Health Plan
- Cigna - Humana
- Cigna Great West PPO
- Cigna HMO
- Cigna Indemnity
- Cigna Managed Care/POS
- Cigna Medicare Advantage
- Cigna NALC
- Cigna Open Access
- Cigna Open Access PPO
- Cigna Oscar
- Cigna PPO
- Cigna Premier Plus
- Great West HMO
- Kaiser Permanente
- MVP-Cigna Network
- Wellfleet-NYU Student
- Connecticare Bridge
- Connecticare Commercial
- Elderplan
- Elderplan FIDA
- Elderplan Medicare Advantage Plan
- Emblem Select Care Bronze Small Group
- Emblem Select Care EPO
- Emblem Select Care Gold Small Group
- Emblem Select Care HMO
- Emblem Select Care PPO
- Emblem Select Care Platinum Small Group
- Emblem Select Care Silver Small Group
Fidelis Care
- Ambetter Fidelis Care Bronze Exchange
- Ambetter Fidelis Care Catastrophic Cvg Exchange
- Ambetter Fidelis Care Gold Exchange
- Ambetter Fidelis Care Native American Exchange
- Ambetter Fidelis Care Platinum Exchange
- Ambetter Fidelis Care Silver Exchange
- Fidelis Care Child Health Plus
- Fidelis Care Medicaid Managed Care
- Fidelis Essential Plan 1
- Fidelis Essential Plan 2
- Fidelis Essential Plan 3
- Fidelis Essential Plan 4
- Wellcare by Fidelis Care Medicare
First Health
- First Health PPO
- American Plan Administrators
- GHI CBP (City of New York Employees)
- GHI Emblem Health EPO
- GHI Emblem Health PPO
- GHI HMO Medicare
- GHI Medicare PPO
- GHI Medicare Supplement
- GHI Network Access - Benefit Services of PA
- GHI Network Access - Humana
- GHI Network Access - Total Plan Concepts
- IUOE Local 14-14B
- Wlny-TV Inc.
- Emblem Essential Plan 1
- Emblem Essential Plan 2
- Emblem Essential Plan 3
- Emblem Essential Plan 4
- HIP Access I
- HIP Access II
- HIP Bridge
- HIP Child Health Plus
- HIP Medicaid Enhanced Care
- HIP Medicare Supplement
- HIP Prime Basic Exchange
- HIP Prime Bronze
- HIP Prime Bronze Exchange
- HIP Prime Catastrophic Exchange
- HIP Prime Gold
- HIP Prime Gold Exchange
- HIP Prime Platinum
- HIP Prime Platinum Exchange
- HIP Prime Silver
- HIP Prime Silver Exchange
- HIP VIP Medicare Bold
- HIP VIP Medicare Prime
- Vytra HMO
Hamaspik Choice
- Hamaspik Choice Medicare DSNP
- Health And Recovery Plan (Harp)
- Healthfirst Bronze Leaf Exchange
- Healthfirst Bronze Total, Pro, Plus EPO
- Healthfirst Child Health Plus
- Healthfirst Essential Plan 1 & 2
- Healthfirst Essential Plan 3 & 4
- Healthfirst Gold Leaf Exchange
- Healthfirst Gold Total, Pro, Plus EPO
- Healthfirst Green Leaf Exchange
- Healthfirst Medicaid
- Healthfirst Medicare
- Healthfirst Medicare/NYU Risk
- Healthfirst Personal Wellness Plan
- Healthfirst Platinum Leaf Exchange
- Healthfirst Platinum Total, Pro, Plus EPO
- Healthfirst Silver Leaf Exchange
- Healthfirst Silver Total, Pro, Plus EPO
- Humana Medicare Advantage
Local 1199
- Local 1199 - NYU Hospital Member Choice
- Local 1199 PPO
Longevity Health Plan
- Longevity Health Plan Medicare
- Magnacare PPO
Medicaid of New York
- NYS Medicaid
- Medicare Part A and B
- Medicare Part B
- MetroPlusHealth Bronze Plus Plan Exchange
- MetroPlusHealth Child Health Plus
- MetroPlusHealth Essential Plan 1 and 2
- MetroPlusHealth Essential Plan 3 and 4
- MetroPlusHealth Gold
- MetroPlusHealth Gold Plus Plan Exchange
- MetroPlusHealth Goldcare
- MetroPlusHealth Medicaid Managed Care
- MetroPlusHealth Medicare
- MetroPlusHealth Medplus Plan Exchange
- MetroPlusHealth Platinum Plus Plan Exchange
- MetroPlusHealth Silver Plus Plan Exchange
- AXA Assistance USA
- Administrative Concepts
- Beech Street PPO
- Diversified Administration Corporation
- Fiserv Health
- Global Excel
- Global Health
- Guardian Life Insurance Co Of America
- Health Net Of California
- Health Republic Of NJ
- Insurance Design Administrators
- Kaiser Foundation
- Kaiser Permanente
- Meritain Health
- Multiplan PPO
- Multiplan-Capital Dist Phys Health
- Mutual Of Omaha
- Nippon Life Ins Co
- Professional Benefit Admin
- Qualcare Inc
- Screen Actors Guild
- Teamsters Allied Benefits
- US Life Insurance Company
NYSHIP - The Empire Plan
- NYS Health Insurance Plan - The Empire Plan, Excelsior Plan, NY Student Employee Health Plan
- Oxford Health Plans Freedom
- Oxford Health Plans Liberty
POMCO Insurance Company
- POMCO Insurance Company
Partners Health Plan Inc
- Partners Health Plan FIDA
- Partners Health Plan Medicaid
- Partners Health Plan Medicare
Qualcare Inc.
- Qualcare Direct
Railroad Medicare
- Palmetto GBA Railroad Medicare
Sedgwick WTC
- World Trade Center - Sedgwick
Senior Whole Health
- Senior Whole Health Medicare Advantage
- TriWest
- Tricare
- US Family Health Plan
United Healthcare
- AARP Medicare Complete
- AARP Medicare Complete Mosaic
- Bind Benefits inc
- Oxford Health Plans Medicare Advantage
- United Healthcare (NY University Care Plan)
- United Healthcare AARP
- United Healthcare All Savers
- United Healthcare Choice
- United Healthcare Choice (AMEX employees)
- United Healthcare Choice (Blackrock employees)
- United Healthcare Choice (CBS employees)
- United Healthcare Choice (Simon and Schuster)
- United Healthcare EPO
- United Healthcare EPO (NYU Langone Health Employees)
- United Healthcare EPO (Sunset Park Employees)
- United Healthcare Golden Rule Insurance
- United Healthcare HMO
- United Healthcare Healthscope
- United Healthcare Indemnity
- United Healthcare Indemnity (NYU Langone Health Employees)
- United Healthcare Medicare
- United Healthcare NYU Care (NYULH Employees)
- United Healthcare NYU Care (Sunset Park Employees)
- United Healthcare Navigate
- United Healthcare Nexus
- United Healthcare Nexus (Amex Employees)
- United Healthcare POS
- United Healthcare PPO
- United Healthcare Plus (NYU Langone Health Employees)
- United Healthcare Plus (Sunset Park Employees)
- United Healthcare Student Resources
- United Healthcare Student Resources (NYU)
- United Healthcare Value, Advantage and HDHP (New York University employees)
- UnitedHealthcare Choice (NY Power Authority Employees)
VA Community Care Network
- VA CCN Optum
VNS Choice Advantage
- VNS Medicare Advantage
- VNS NY Choice Select Health
Village Care
- VillageCare
WTC Health Program
- NY Fire Department - WTC
- WTC Health Program
- WellCare Medicare
Ayana Jordan, MD, PhD does not accept insurance.
Locations and Appointments
Sunset Terrace Family Health Center at NYU Langone
514 49th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11220
Research My Research
Research Summary
My passion is conducting scholarly work dedicated to the elimination of health disparities for people with substance use disorders (SUDs), with a focus on racial and ethnic minoritized populations. My research is primarily focused on increasing access to evidence-based treatments for racial and ethnic minoritized patients with addiction and mental health disorders.
I am the endowed Barbara Wilson Associate Professor of Psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry, with a secondary appointment in Population Health at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. In my role as a physician scientist, I serve as the Principal Investigator (PI) of the Jordan Wellness Collaborative (JWC), a community participatory research group with the fundamental message of improving health outcomes for historically excluded populations through knowledge, skill acquisition and access expansion to culturally informed evidence-based treatments.
Currently, I serve as PI on an NIAAA sponsored R01 grant, conducting a randomized clinical trial (RCT) providing addiction treatment in a faith-based community setting compared to specialty clinic to determine ideal treatment for Black people with alcohol and other SUDs. I also serve as a PI on a NIDA sponsored R01 grant, conducting an RCT on participant initiation and engagement of harm reduction services among Black and Latine people who use drugs (PWUD) compared to services as usual in two mobile Community Harm Reduction Organizations, in the Bronx, NY and New Haven, CT. I am also mPI on a multi-site NIH-funded U01 collaborative RCT, studying the impact of providing medication for addiction treatment (MAT) via telehealth for Black and Latine people with opioid, alcohol and other SUD in Black and Latine churches compared to treatment in an addiction clinic. Lastly, I serve as the Contact mPI on an NCI sponsored UC2 grant, where I lead a health equity research hub which supports the advancement of community-driven and participatory research to reduce health inequities through a social determinants of health approach.
Recognizing the importance of bridging the gap between academia and community-based organizations, I have established relationships with several community-based organizations, including St. Ann’s Corner of Harm Reduction, OnPoint NYC, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, the HOPE Center, and Connecticut Harm Reduction Alliance. The central theme of equity has informed my research, clinical work and leadership duties at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and beyond, and I will continue to center these principles in my scholarship.
Academic Contact
Academic office
One Park Avenue
8th floor, 8-138
New York, NY 10027
Research Interests Timeline
Hall, O Trent...
Annals of medicine (Helsinki). 2025 Dec ; 57(1):2439540
Carter, Sierra...
Journal of the National Medical Association. 2025 Feb 26;
Weitzman, Elissa R...
Vaccine. 2025 Jan 12; 44:126324