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We have the lowest hospital readmission rates in New York

What’s worse than having to be in the hospital? Having to go back again and again. That’s why we’re working hard to achieve the lowest readmission rates in New York. A hospital’s readmission rate is when patients go home from the hospital but wind up returning for the same or related care within 30, 60, or 90 days. It is one measure of the quality of hospital care.

At NYU Langone, we’re using cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and other tools to help guide our efforts to reduce readmissions. And it’s working. We’re doing all we can to make sure our patients receive the best care during and after their hospital stay, so they can go home and stay there.

Source: Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Unplanned hospital visits, October 2024, lowest among academic medical centers in New York state.