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We’ve achieved the lowest hospital-associated complication rates in the country

You can’t see or feel them, but germs can be anywhere. That’s why we clean, then clean again, to prevent hospital-acquired infection, which is an infection patients can get while being treated at a healthcare facility for another condition.

At NYU Langone, our protocols, including our infection prevention and control team’s cleaning regimen and strict infection-control guidelines, ensure we have the lowest infection rate among academic medical centers in the country.

Driven by the latest technology, we’re also developing and applying new tools, such as our Molecular Outbreak Program. Using genome sequencing, we identify and track infectious disease-causing pathogens to prevent them from spreading. The program provides real-time data that can generate early warning signs of potential healthcare-associated infections. It’s just one way we use focused infection prevention measures to keep our patients safe during their hospital stay.

Source: CMS Hospital Acquired Complications Reduction Program, lowest complication rate among comparable tertiary hospitals across the United States.