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NYU Langone Provider

Miriam A. Bredella, MD, MBA

NYU Langone Provider
  • Specialties: Musculoskeletal Imaging, Radiology
  • Treats: Adults
  • Language: English
  • Phone: 212-263-5230
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Board Certifications
  • American Board of Radiology - Diagnostic Radiology, 2004
Education and Training
  • MBA from Massachusetts Inst of Tech, 2022
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital, Musculoskeletal Imaging and Intervention, 2005
  • Residency, University of California, San Francisco, Diagnostic Radiology, 2004
  • MD from University of Hamburg, 1997

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Miriam A. Bredella, MD, MBA does not accept insurance.

Locations and Appointments

NYU Langone Radiology Associates

550 1st Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10016






Metabolic Imaging, Obesity, Anorexia Nervosa, MR spectroscopy, opportunistic imaging

Research Summary

Dr. Bredella's research focuses on novel functional imaging techniques to determine the  effects of different fat depots on bone metabolism and metabolic risk in  states of under- and overnutrition. She established a multidisciplinary  clinical research program in the area of metabolic imaging that combines  innovative translational, clinical, and outcomes research. Dr. Bredella has  developed new imaging techniques to quantify bone marrow adipose tissue, brown adipose tissue,  intramyocellular lipids, intrahepatic lipids, and muscle mitochondrial  function to determine their effects on bone, insulin resistance and cardiovascular risk in subjects with obesity, insulin resistance, growth  hormone disorders, and anorexia nervosa. She has also performed research on opportunistic CT, using CT scans performed for other  clinical purposes to assess bone and cardiovascular health and to implement these data into clinical practice. 
Dr. Bredella is a fellow of the American College of Radiology and a Scholar  in Diagnostic Excellence of the National Academy of Medicine. She is the  recipient of multiple awards, including the Distinguished Investigator Award  from the Academy of Radiology Research and the Presidents Medal of the  International Skeletal Society. For her work on faculty development she  received the Innovative Initiatives Award from the Boston Women’s Workforce  Council, the AAMC Group on Women in Medicine and Science Leadership Award,  and the Shirley Driscoll Dean's Leadership Award for the Enhancement of  Women's Careers from Harvard Medical School.


Academic Contact

Academic office

TRB, 227 East 30th Street

7th floor, 743

New York, NY 10016



These focus areas and their associated publications are derived from PubMed and the MeSH term library. *
represents one publication
*Due to PubMed processing times, the most recent publications may not be reflected in the timeline.

Read All Publications (304)

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