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NYU Langone Provider

Silas W. Smith, MD

NYU Langone Provider
  • Specialties: Toxicology, Emergency Medicine
  • Treats: Adults
  • Language: English
  • Phone: 212-263-5550
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As a child, I was inspired to study medicine by my pediatrician’s meticulous care and attentive listening. I started my healthcare career as an emergency medical technician (EMT) in high school and later attended medical school on a Navy scholarship. I served as a naval flight surgeon and subsequently trained in emergency medicine and medical toxicology. I am honored to hold the JoAnn G. and Kenneth Wellner Clinical Associate Professorship of Emergency Medicine and to serve as an affiliate faculty member of NYU Langone’s Institute for Innovations in Medical Education.

As an emergency medicine physician at NYU Langone, I provide care to patients during unanticipated times. I specialize in emergency medicine and medical toxicology, disciplines which address a wide range of acute, often undifferentiated conditions and toxic exposures. Emergency medicine is unlike any other specialty. Our patients arrive as they are, often in moments of great vulnerability. We know that patients don’t get to pick their illness or their time of need. The emergency department is a place of collaboration and teamwork. I am fortunate to work with a dedicated team of providers, nurses, technicians, consultants, social workers, care managers, and countless others, whose contributions are vital to patient care.

Throughout my career, I have been extensively involved in medical education and research. Since joining the faculty in 2008, I have taught undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate, and continuing medical education in emergency medicine, toxicology, pharmacology, quality, safety, and disaster management. My research, including collaboration with federally funded projects, has focused on identifying gaps in understanding and improving patient care in these fields. I served as an editor of the most recent edition of a foundational textbook, Goldfrank’s Toxicological Emergencies, and its accompanying didactic guide.

Board Certifications
  • American Board of Emergency Medicine (Medical Toxicology), 2008
  • American Board of Emergency Medicine - Emergency Medicine, 2007
Education and Training
  • Fellowship, NYU School of Medicine, Medical Toxicology, 2008
  • Residency, NYU School of Medicine, Emergency Medicine, 2006
  • MD from Johns Hopkins University, 1998

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Silas W. Smith, MD does not accept insurance.

Locations and Appointments

NYU Emergency Medicine

550 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10016






emergency medicine, toxicology, pharmacology, quality, safety

Academic Contact

Academic office

462 First Avenue

3rd floor

NY, NY 10016

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