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NYU Langone Provider

Brandon J. Jun, MD

NYU Langone Provider
  • Specialty: Psychiatry
  • Treats: Adults
  • Language: English
  • Phone: 212-263-7264
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As a psychiatrist at NYU Langone, I am deeply committed to making a positive impact during some of the most challenging times in my patients’ lives. This responsibility is one I hold in high regard, and it is mirrored in the personalized treatments I offer. My path into medicine was shaped by a personal family experience, which guided me towards psychiatry, enabling me to support some of the most vulnerable individuals.

I have expertise in treating a variety of psychiatric conditions, including depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorders, psychotic disorders, personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). With my years of experience, I approach patient care with a keen ear, understanding their concerns, and customizing treatments to meet their unique needs. This dedication to individualized care is a reflection of my credentials and proficiency in psychiatry.

Throughout my career, I have been committed to proactive engagement in healthcare, focusing on the distinct needs of each patient. My inpatient team and I strive to provide exceptional and compassionate care, ensuring that each patient receives the highest quality of care, tailored to their individual needs.

As a part of NYU Langone, I am able to collaborate with a diverse team, ensuring comprehensive and coordinated care for my patients. My commitment to my patients extends beyond their conditions; it is about providing high-quality treatment that meets their individual goals and needs.

Board Certifications
  • American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology - Psychiatry, 2023
Education and Training
  • Residency, New York Medical College, Psychiatry, 2023
  • MD from Albany Medical College, 2019

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Locations and Appointments

NYU Langone Psychiatry Associates

550 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10016





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