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Contact Us to Schedule

Complete our form and the office will reach out to you within one business day to schedule an appointment.
Provider Details
John G. Hay, MD

Pulmonary Medicine

  • Location

    NYU Langone at Trinity

    111 Broadway, 2nd Floor

    New York, NY 10006


For Current Patients

If you have had an appointment with this doctor before, please schedule using your NYU Langone Health MyChart account.

Sign Into NYU Langone Health MyChart

You can save time by signing into your MyChart account, and we'll automatically fill out your insurance and personal information.

Or Continue without MyChart

    Who is this Appointment For?

    Insurance Information

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  • Please call the provider’s office at 212-263-9700, so we can discuss your insurance coverage or payment options and help you schedule an appointment.
    John G. Hay, MD does not accept this insurance plan. To schedule an appointment, call the office at 212-263-9700 or continue filling out this form and we’ll contact you within one business day.
    John G. Hay, MD does not accept this insurance plan. To schedule an appointment, call the office at 212-263-9700 or continue filling out this form and we’ll contact you within one business day.
    John G. Hay, MD accepts this insurance.

    Personal Information

  • Month (MM)
  • Day (DD)
  • Year (YYYY)
  • We are committed to making sure all patients feel safe and respected. We understand that not everyone’s legal sex is the same as their gender identity. We ask about legal sex because it is necessary for insurance billing, and assists us in linking this visit to prior visits. Please select the sex listed on your State ID and/or Insurance Card. You will have the opportunity to provide more detailed information on your Gender Identity and Pronouns later in the registration process.

    Visit Information

By providing my contact information, I consent and authorize NYU Langone to contact me about my healthcare by email, text message, or phone call. I understand that I can change my communications preferences or opt out of communications at any time in my NYU Langone Health MyChart account or by talking to my doctor’s office. Read more about how we may communicate with you.