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Affiliated Provider
Affiliated providers provide medical care at an NYU Langone location or a private practice, and are not employed by NYU Langone Health.

Margaret T. McHugh, MD, MPH

Affiliated Provider
Affiliated providers provide medical care at an NYU Langone location or a private practice, and are not employed by NYU Langone Health.
  • Specialties: Pediatrics, Child Protection
  • Treats: Children
  • Language: English
  • Phone: 212-562-6073
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Conditions and Treatments

Board Certifications
  • American Board of Pediatrics - Pediatrics, 1975
Education and Training
  • Fellowship, Columbia Presbyterian - Babies Hospital, Ambulatory Pediatrics, 1975
  • MPH from Columbia University, 1975
  • Residency, Metropolitan Hospital Center, Pediatrics, 1973
  • MD from Georgetown University, 1970

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Please call the office for information about accepted insurance plans.

Margaret T. McHugh, MD, MPH does not accept insurance.

Locations and Appointments

462 First Avenue, Room GC-65, New York, NY 10016

  • McHugh, Margaret T; Kvernland, Alexandra; Palusci, Vincent J

    Child abuse review. 2017 MAY-JUN; 26(3):184-195

  • Basic principles of abuse in children and adolescents

    Palusci, Vincent J.; McHugh, Margaret T.

    Chronic Disease and Disability: Abuse and Neglect in Childhood and Adolescence. [S.l.] : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2016. p.63-101. (2769072)

  • Child abuse and maltreatment

    Palusci, Vincent J; McHugh, Margaret T

    Sexuality: Some international aspects. Hauppauge, NY, US: Nova Science Publishers, 2016. p.109-137. (2399782)

Read All Publications (15)