Janet E. Green, AUD, audiologist at NYU Langone’s Cochlear Implant Center, checking the hearing aid of a patient.
NYU Langone Staff
On July 31, 2017, audiologists at NYU Langone’s Cochlear Implant Center activated 14-month-old Theia Romaniecki’s cochlear implant as her dad, Army reservist Luke Romaniecki, watched via Skype, 6,000 miles away in Kuwait.
Theia received the implant to address her progressive hearing loss. Janet Green, AuD, gradually introduced Theia to various sounds and words. “The implant was a success,” says Dr. Green. “It’s really important for both parents to be a part of the process with their child, so it was amazing that dad could be involved today.”
Read more from the New York Daily News.